Saturday, June 22, 2013

All Natural Cleaners

One of my goals for this summer was to make my own all natural home cleaning products. You can find a lot of recipes on Pinterest as well as many blogs. I tried to find some that had ingredients that would be easy to find, and inexpensive. I found that it is really affordable and easy to make your own cleaning products, and it gives me peace of mind to know that these products are safer to use. I have also found that these homemade cleansers work just as well as the more expensive name brands.
I decided to make some cleansers that I used most often...
all purpose spray, glass cleaner, and dishwasher detergent.

Two of the key ingredients is Borax and Washing Soda
1/2 c. Borax, 1/2 c. Washing Soda, 1/4 c. Citric Acid (found in the canning section)
Mix well and use 1-3 teaspoons per load. I use white vinegar for my rinsing agent.
1/2 tsp. liquid Castille soap (I used Dawn liquid detergent), 1 tsp. Borax, 1 tsp Washing Soda,
1/2 c. white vinegar, 2 c. hot water, 25-30 drops of essential oil (optional - I used fragrance oil), and a 24 oz. spray bottle.
Mix the soap, Borax, washing soda, and vinegar in a large bowl. Slowly add the water and stir. Allow to cool and add essential oils. Pour into a spray bottle and label.
To use, simply spray down the area and wipe dry.
2 c. water, 1/4 c. white vinegar, 1/4 c. rubbing alcohol, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 Tbsp. corn starch, 5 drops essential oil (optional)
Mix well and shake before using. This really works well to clean mirrors and glass, and it is very economical to make.
I hope you give these recipe mixes a try and see how easy it is to make these products for yourself, and feel safer in the process.




Friday, June 14, 2013


Well Hello,
It has been a long while since I posted a new entry, and our family has been busy.
I thought I would try to update you on all our family happenings.
March brought two birthdays - My Sweetie turned 44 - WOW!

The other birthday was our Hannah (plaid shirt).
She turned an amazing 10 - Can't believe that one either
In this photo we are on our way to get her birthday gift, a Guinea Pig.
Just look at her excited little face. My face did not look excited, but she's only 10 once.
This next photo is Cosmo, the Guinea pig eating one of his favorite snacks, a carrot.
After birthdays, we needed a little vacation.
We took Spring Break at Indian Beach on Emerald Isle, NC
We always enjoy our family time. Usually there is no one there as you can see.

I have also been enjoying our local farmer's market.
I like to support our local farmers, and also browse the handmade products that are also sold there like homemade soaps and lotions.

In April, our 14 year old went out with his Paw Paw to turkey hunt,
and do you know they caught one. I was so excited for him. This was his first turkey.

We have had a lot of rain showers, which has blessed us with many pretty flowers.

And finally, the most exciting thing that has happened is that we have had our first graduate from our home school. Emily was part of the graduating class of 2013. We are so very proud of her.

One last thing to mention, my birthday is tomorrow.
I will be joining my Sweetie in saying that I am getting old (44).
But, he will always be older than I am - Ha!

I need to get some updated pictures of myself, but you know how that goes, right?